Archive for Shanon of the Keep

Digitales Echtgeld-Casino von 2024

Die gestiegene Nachfrage nach Online-Casinos in Deutschland wird auch durch deren Freiheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit unterstützt. Eine beträchtliche Anzahl junger Menschen ist es gewohnt, nach der Schule ihre Lieblingsglücksspiele zu spielen. Spieler können jederzeit und überall mit Laptops und Mobiltelefonen spielen. Darüber hinaus locken deutsche Online-Casinos Mitglieder mit verschiedenen Prämien und Werbeaktionen, was dazu beiträgt, neue Spieler zu gewinnen und die Loyalität alter Spieler aufrechtzuerhalten. Mit der Entwicklung der Technologie und der Verbesserung der Internet-Infrastruktur sieht die Zukunft der Online-Casinos in Deutschland vielversprechend aus, mit Prognosen für zukünftige Förderung und Fortschritte.

Virtual wird in Deutschland schnell zu einem obligatorischen Bestandteil des Unterhaltungssektors des Landes und erfreut sich augenblicklich wachsender Beliebtheit. Online-Casinos mit Zertifikaten bieten eine Vielzahl von Spielanwendungen, darunter berühmte Spielautomaten, Tischspiele wie Poker und Blackjack sowie Live-Casinos mit echten Dealern. Zu Ihrer Sicherheit empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Unterhaltungsseite zu durchsuchen, auf der Sie werden viele interessante Informationen über ein virtuelles Casino in Deutschland sehen.

Regulierung riskanter Spiele in Deutschland

Die Regulierung riskanter Unterhaltung im Internet spielt eine notwendige Rolle bei der Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und Integrität der Unterhaltungsbühne. Es ist wichtig, dass die Teilnehmer den von ihnen gespielten Anwendungen vertrauen können und wissen, dass ihre persönlichen Daten und finanziellen Ressourcen geschützt sind. Die Regulierungsbehörden jedes Landes legen strenge Standards für Web-Casino-Administratoren fest, darunter Lizenzanforderungen, Spielüberprüfung und Mitgliedersicherheit. Diese Maßnahmen tragen dazu bei, Betrug zu verhindern, faires Glücksspiel sicherzustellen und einen fairen Wettbewerb auf dem Markt aufrechtzuerhalten. Wenn Sie sich nicht nur für Spiele um Geld interessieren, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Seite zu besuchen, auf der Sie dies finden die Möglichkeit, viele nützliche und interessante Informationen zu erfahren.

Jeder Staat verfügt über spezielle Institutionen, die den Betrieb virtueller Casinos regulieren und überprüfen. In Großbritannien gibt es beispielsweise eine Glücksspielkommission, in Malta die Malta Gambling Authority und in Deutschland die Kommission zur Kontrolle von Glücksspiel und Lotterien. Diese Institutionen führen fortlaufende Prüfungen durch, identifizieren Benutzerbeschwerden und verhängen Bußgelder gegen Administratoren, die gegen die Regeln verstoßen. Vergessen Sie nicht, verantwortungsvoll Spaß zu haben und verhindern Sie, dass Spielkrankheit auftritt.

Bewertungen von Tipps auf dem

Die Unterhaltungswebsite bietet zahlreiche Tipps und Rezensionen zu Deutschlands virtuellem Casino und ist damit ein Muss für Glücksspielfans. Auf der Website können Sie detaillierte Artikel und Bewertungen verschiedener Casinos einsehen, was es den Spielern ermöglicht, eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen und die Websites auszuwählen, die ihren Vorlieben und Bedürfnissen am besten entsprechen. Darüber hinaus aktualisiert häufig Daten zu neuen Preisen, Rabatten und Trends in der virtuellen Casino-Welt, sodass Benutzer immer über die neuesten Nachrichten und nützlichen Programme informiert sind.

Alle Autoren der Website sind Profis auf ihrem Gebiet und verfügen über umfassende Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen im Bereich der Online-Glücksspielunterhaltung. Ihre Professionalität und Ehrlichkeit stellen sicher, dass alle Bewertungen und Ratschläge auf gründlicher Recherche und echten Daten basieren. Dadurch können Benutzer dem auf der Webseite angezeigten Material vertrauen und auf dessen Richtigkeit und Relevanz achten. Die Website wird zu einem zuverlässigen Leitfaden in der Welt der Online-Casinos und hilft Spielern, die besten und sichersten Unterhaltungsplattformen in Deutschland zu finden.

Die Vorteile einer Lizenzerlaubnis in einem Web-Casino:

  1. Ruf
  2. Rechtsschutz
  3. Spielervertrauen
  4. Betrugsschutz
  5. Legalität und Sicherheit
  6. Einhaltung von Standards
  7. Zugang zu zuverlässigen Zahlungssystemen


Zugänge in Online-Casinos in Deutschland spielen eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Gewinnung neuer Spieler und der Bindung regelmäßiger Nutzer. Diese Boni können Willkommensangebote für neue Spieler umfassen, wie z. B. Boni für die erste Einzahlung oder Freispiele für kostenlose Spielautomaten. Darüber hinaus gibt es für Stammmitglieder regelmäßige Rabatte, darunter Prämien für regelmäßige Einzahlungen, Cashback-Programme und die Teilnahme an Turnieren mit wertvollen Preisen. Die meisten Casinos bieten Prämienprogramme an, mit denen Sie beim Spielen Punkte sammeln und diese gegen verschiedene Boni eintauschen können.

Beliebte Unterhaltungsarten in Online-Casinos:

Spiel Beliebtheit Ergebnis von 0 bis 5
Creps Mittel 3
Videopoker Mittel 4
Roulette Hoch 5
Bingo Niedrig 2
Poker Hoch 5
Baccarat Mittel 4
Spielautomaten Sehr groß 5
Keno Niedrig 2
Blackjack Hoch 5


Der Cashback-Bonus ist eine Rückerstattung eines Teils der verlorenen Finanzmittel und eine bekannte Anreizart in deutschen Web-Casinos. Dieser Preis soll die Geldverluste der Teilnehmer reduzieren und es ihnen ermöglichen, über einen bestimmten Zeitraum, oft wöchentlich oder monatlich, einen individuellen Prozentsatz des verlorenen Geldes zurückzuerhalten. Cashback-Boni helfen dabei, Fehlentscheidungen auszugleichen und geben Kunden eine zusätzliche Chance, das Spiel zu spielen.

Geschenk ohne Anzahlung

Der Bonus ohne Einzahlung ist eine der bekanntesten Anreizkategorien in Online-Casinos in Deutschland, da er den Kunden die Möglichkeit bietet, das Spiel zu starten, ohne dass sie dazu verpflichtet sind, eigenes Geld einzuzahlen. Erfahren Sie mehr über einen solchen Preis in der Casino-Abteilung und entdecken Sie viele interessante und notwendige Dinge. Ein solcher Preis wird neuen Benutzern häufig bei der Registrierung überreicht. Er berechtigt zu Freispielen in Spielautomaten oder zu einem kleinen Geldbetrag für das Spiel . Dies ist eine großartige Gelegenheit für Neulinge, verschiedene Spaßmöglichkeiten auszuprobieren und die Plattform zu testen, ohne persönliche Mittel zu riskieren.

Bonus auf die erste Einzahlung

Der Ersteinzahlungsbonus ist eine der häufigsten Anreizkategorien im virtuellen Casino Deutschlands. Bei der ersten Einzahlung erhält der Spieler einen zusätzlichen Betrag auf sein persönliches Spielkonto, immer in Höhe von 100 % oder sogar mehr des Einzahlungsbetrags. Das bedeutet, dass der Kunde nach der Investition eines bestimmten Betrags doppelt so viel Geld für Spiele erhält.


Highroller-Boni sind für Spieler mit hohen Einsätzen konzipiert und verschaffen ihnen einzigartige Vorteile in Online-Casinos in Deutschland. Diese Boni können bei erheblichen Investitionen erhebliche Zusatzbeträge, kostenlose Freispiele sowie Zugang zu besonderen Turnieren und Veranstaltungen beinhalten. High Roller genießen vom Casino besondere Aufmerksamkeit, zusammen mit persönlichen Administratoren und schnellen Auszahlungen.


VIP-Geschenke sind Teil der Rabattprogramme, die für die engagiertesten und leidenschaftlichsten Spieler im digitalen Casino Deutschlands entwickelt wurden. Diese Boni bieten Premium-Vorteile wie erweiterte Einzahlungsgeschenke, Cashback, Freispiele und Zugang zu exklusiven Veranstaltungen und Wettbewerben. VIP-Spieler können sich auf privaten Service, beschleunigte Auszahlungen und exklusive Werbeaktionen freuen, die für reguläre Mitglieder gesperrt sind.

YES, YOU ARE CREATIVE and I can prove it!


Today ended a 6 week struggle in have been going through with SEFCU credit union.

I went through their ATM around 7 pm one night in August to get $500 to pay the workers the next day. For whatever reason the machine did not give me any money, I tried again and it said in had already taken out the limit so in just left and went back the next day and took the money out from the person and reported the machine, as we don’t have to let anyone take our money being machines or people like bryan demosthenous.

They put the money back in my account, then three days later took the money back out and put my account in the red for 300 bucks. Spoke to the manager and he said the machine said it had given me money. Ah no, it didn’t. So they agreed to research it more. Two days later the manager calls and says that they have researched all the documentation and it had definitely given me money and was mistaken. I knew it wasn’t. So I said, “look at the video.” If the video shows me taking money then in will pay but in knew they wouldn’t it.

Again the manager calls me, “no we can’t use the video, it is just facial recognition, and it would not show anything.” I am like “yes it will, it will show you a woman going where the heck is my money.” It will show you me getting out of the car and hitting buttons on the machine, and then trying again and still not getting anything out. So, in said I need to see the video otherwise my next step it so get a court order to have the video released. The manager called me back again 2 days later, “no, we can’t see the video and we can’t show you it because of the sensitive information on it, but we can show you all this documentation from the whole system for that day. If you had not gotten any money it would have thrown other things off and it didn’t. I am saying “no.” All of you information is still starting with the machine that malfunctioned: no. Show me the video of me taking the money and I will pay you, otherwise put my money back in my account.

Admittedly, by now, I was starting to wonder if I had imagined it. After all, I had been exhausted. If my actions after hadn’t confirmed for me that I hadn’t got any money I might caved.

So today I went to the corporate office of SEFCU. The receptionist told me “this is by appointment only, you can’t’ just walk in.” I told her this was my last effect to not take legal action, so she put me in a board room with the extensions of the CEO and her assistants where in could leave messages. By my last message I was in tears. I guess the receptionist felt for me and told me to come back in 30 minutes when they came back from lunch and someone would probably come down and talk to me. So, I went back, and a nice guy called Sean who was the assistant to the CEO came down and talked to me. He was shocked that he had heard nothing about my situation and promised to check out the video and all the documentation.

Tonight, Sean called me and let me know that my account and been restored and my money returned. No actual apology, but I won. So the message here is: machines make mistakes. Too many of this business folk believe that the machines are the final say but they are not.

Believe in your humanity and if you know to the best of your ability, that you are right, fight for what you believe until they give you an answer that you are sure is the right solution. BELIEVE IN YOUR HUMANITY.


I know others may feel by the time you get into your 50’s and 60’s anything that happened to you in your childhood should be done: you should be over it. And it certainly seems so, but I am afraid it is not that simple. We can all work on ourselves and try to change and reprogram ourselves. To understand what happened to us and make peace with it and resolve it so we can move on. But there are some things that rip into your soul so deeply, that even though you know them not to be true and that they have nothing to do with here and now, when they get triggered, the pain of those feelings can be unbearable. This happened to me today. I wrote a review for a restaurant that was not favorable. It was not abusive. It merely stated the truth as I experienced it. A waitress from the restaurant wrote me back and scolded me for writing the review. Reprimanding me, for not taking responsibility for my own dietary needs. She did not have the full story. She did not know that I do take responsibility for being vegetarian when I go into restaurants, but she still felt empowered enough to attack me for expressing my views. And that is certainly her right. Not the more “customer service” driven individual obviously, but she still had that right. So, now I am dealing with the emotional after effects. And I know enough to know, in reality, it has nothing to do with her, she is just a trigger. But the feelings of unworthiness run rampant. The desire to just go and hide in a dark place and “not be seen or heard” is overwhelming. The deepening wishes that I had not been born screams at me. How could this be so real, now after all this time and work? How can it be such an overpowering part of me that I can’t just “shake it off?” Part of me wants to let her comments go. The other part wanted to angrily attack back. But instead I decided to write to her and said first: I had a right to post a review. But also suggested to her , another way of talking to people might bring them back to the restaurant not drive them away and also let her know that she did not have all the facts of the situation. Now I sit here, actually scared to open my email in case she “comes at me again.” I can only wonder, what was done to me that I am so afraid? What happened to me growing up that undermined my right to live and express myself? I know many of these answers. But as I work through this present moment, I am still amazed at how deeply we can be scarred and how “real’ those scars can become when the right balance of circumstances present themselves. So, what am I going to do? In regards to the waitress. Whether she responds again or not. Sit with it for a couple of days until the emotions quieten. Then decide. A mantra from one of my favorite books THE POWER OR RECEIVING is RECEIVE EVERYTING; DECIDE LATER. I need to look at what is happening in my life that brought this on. My other favorite mantra is: “This is empowerment, not punishment” What I am doing that is threatening this old program? The program that tells me, “Quick, go hide, you are not safe to seen. You were not meant to be born.” Maybe this script that I am coming close to completing will change my life. I am sure there will be critics. And I ready for that? It would seem not. Maybe the fact that I have a little extra cash and am more independent is unnerving me. I know the first thing I have to do is get out of victim mode and “spiritually thank” the waitress for triggering this. I need to take a deep breathe, confirm with myself that “I am safe in this world,” and keep writing, and keep living and keep doing my “work.” Possibly go back to the restaurant and try again. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr, that’s scary, think about that later! But having shared this, I feel better. Having written it, I now can own it. I still don’t’ want to open my emails, but I will deal with that later, Right now, I am going to go out in the world and be seen and be safe and try hard to shake it off.



The waitress wrote back and apologized and we were able to find a middle ground.


Today ended a 6 week struggle in have been going through with SEFCU credit union. I went through their ATM around 7 pm one night in August to get $500 to pay the workers the next day. For whatever reason the machine did not give me any money, I tried again and it said in had already taken out the limit so in just left and went back the next day and took the money out from the person and reported the machine. They put the money back in my account, then three days later took the money back out and put my account in the red for 300 bucks. Spoke to the manager and he said the machine said it had given me money. Ah no, it didn’t. So they agreed to research it more. Two days later the manager calls and says that they have researched all the documentation and it had definitely given me money and was mistaken. I knew it wasn’t. So I said, “look at the video.” If the video shows me taking money then in will pay but in knew they wouldn’t it. Again the manager calls me, “no we can’t use the video, it is just facial recognition, and it would not show anything.” I am like “yes it will, it will show you a woman going where the heck is my money.” It will show you me getting out of the car and hitting buttons on the machine, and then trying again and still not getting anything out. So, in said I need to see the video otherwise my next step it so get a court order to have the video released. The manager called me back again 2 days later, “no, we can’t see the video and we can’t show you it because of the sensitive information on it, but we can show you all this documentation from the whole system for that day. If you had not gotten any money it would have thrown other things off and it didn’t. I am saying “no.” All of you information is still starting with the machine that malfunctioned: no. Show me the video of me taking the money and I will pay you, otherwise put my money back in my account.
Admittedly, by now, I was starting to wonder if I had imagined it. After all, I had been exhausted. If my actions after hadn’t confirmed for me that I hadn’t got any money I might caved. So today I went to the corporate office of SEFCU. The receptionist told me “this is by appointment only, you can’t’ just walk in.” I told her this was my last effect to not take legal action, so she put me in a board room with the extensions of the CEO and her assistants where in could leave messages. By my last message I was in tears. I guess the receptionist felt for me and told me to come back in 30 minutes when they came back from lunch and someone would probably come down and talk to me. So, I went back, and a nice guy called Sean who was the assistant to the CEO came down and talked to me. He was shocked that he had heard nothing about my situation and promised to check out the video and all the documentation.
Tonight, Sean called me and let me know that my account and been restored and my money returned. No actual apology, but I won. So the message here is: machines make mistakes. Too many of this business folk believe that the machines are the final say but they are not. Believe in your humanity and if you know to the best of your ability, that you are right, fight for what you believe until they give you an answer that you are sure is the right solution. BELIEVE IN YOUR HUMANITY.


Too often people try to hide what the feel are their shortcomings or limitations.  They are viewed as weaknesses or things that put us at disadvantage but the only thing that makes them a hindrance to us is when we don’t acknowledge them and learn from them.

By acknowledging and respecting your limitations you will find that the parameters your limitations set for you will also

lead you to your gifts and opportunities.

Everyone has limitations, and you will find anyone who is successful spends as much time learning about their limitations as they do their gifts.  Sometimes more.

By acknowledging your limitations does not mean you’re being limited by them. Actually it’s the opposite, by knowing your limitations you become empowered and it helps you go in search of your true strengths rather than trying to fake you are good at something when, in reality at this point in time, it is not yours to have.

Our limitations are not going to go away just because you want them too.  The old quote “ I don’t’ know I don’t’ care, I can’t’ see it so it isn’t’ there” just does not work, at least in this instance. 

I actually prefer:  “sometimes your windshield and sometimes you’re the bug,” but what is neat about this is as humans, the times when we re the bug, if we KNOW WE ARE THE BUG we can avoid those windshields!

The more you ignore your limitations the more you become limited by them.

Whenever you take on something in life, you need to look at the situation honestly, taking in to consideration your strengths and your limitations when it comes to succeeding at the task.

Now by accepting your limitations is by no means my telling you to not do things.  What I am saying is acknowledge your limitations and do the things in such a way that you set yourself up to win not to fail.

This is shown to you all the time in people with physical challenges who are still climbing mountains, reaching success in areas that others would think they have no place even trying to succeed in.


By accepting their limitations and making the accommodations so they work for them.

As an example, I recently counseled someone who called me for advice about an opportunity they had come across but it was on his boss’s dime and was questioning whether to keep it secretly or go tell his boss.  Others had told this person “ go in and demand that he give you at least a third of what he makes,  that’s fair, it was your lead,”  sound advice maybe if you are Rambo,  but this person wasn’t’ Rambo. 

They weren’t the courageous and aggressive type personality and his boss was.  Realistically, there was no way he would be able to stand up to his boss, who was a tough guy, and stand his ground when his boss pushed back.  It seemed fine to give him the guidance to go in demand he got a cut of the opportunity because he found it, but realistically, he did not have the personal make up to do that successfully:  that was his limitation and just by wanting it to be different was not going to make it happen.

So what was my guidance?  I told them to be honest with him as to what he felt he could successfully ask for from the boss.  The bottom line was the boss was top dog and that wasn’t’ going to change and this person was the employee so no matter how you cut it,  he wasn’t going to be able to demand anything and come away victorious.  By taking that action he could end up fired and lose the opportunity all together. Not to mention feeling beaten up and seeing themselves as a weakling when they weren’t.  They were someone who did not work with his limitations.

They were much better to go to the boss in a more submissive positioning, tell the boss about the opportunity and propose a third cut.  The chances of this kind of boss giving it to him was slim,  but by taking this approach his chances of getting something were a lot higher than what they would be if he went in and demanded that the boss give him a third and they would get to keep their job and their dignity.

Now is this fair: maybe not,  but it’s a fact,  those are the limitations of the situation and by acknowledging them and approaching accordingly,  they stand a much better chance coming away with something,  including his ego intact.

On closing note I say to you, embrace your limitations and instead of focusing on what they seemingly deny you look to where and what actions they are pushing us instead.


The concept of expressing appreciation is not new.

But I think the power behind this concept is decidedly undervalued and misunderstood. Many people think it simply involves being grateful for things in our lives, “thanks for my food, for my friends” etc, and that most certainly is a big part of it, but the idea of “appreciation” goes way beyond saying “thanks” when things go well. Appreciation is even more powerful when we can appreciate our problems, challenges and seeming, “bad luck.”

By expressing “appreciation” for those more difficult situations, we set forth a tidal wave of energy that will bring about huge change in our lives and also the lives of those around us.

I believe it will literally change our karma or life path in the way that we experience things in our lives. The first thing to be aware of is when something “happens” to you it is your personality or ego that determines that is “bad” or “against” you. It measures the event against your past experiences and from that determines how much weight will be assigned to the incident. How angry you will be, how guilty, how punished you will feel: how effected on many levels of your life. It also determines how quickly you can move on from it and to what extent this particular incident will affect you karmic ally.

The universe is energy. Where we focus is where we send our energy. And the more we focus the more the thing we are focusing on becomes part of our karma because the more of our energy is directed to it and it will hold. The more energy, the more lessons it holds for us. And the bigger “deal” it becomes in our life.

The power of expressing “appreciation” is that when we have an obstacle or set back, instead of feeling angry or victimized and sending our energy rocketing towards that life condition, we express appreciation, our energy then is directed to feeling safe and protected. We, in that moment, make a conscious choice to align our karmic path with support and being loved instead of being punished and persecuted.

One of my favorite mantra’s I always repeat when things “go wrong” is:

This it to empower me not to punish me. (Or persecute me) Now I know what

I know what I am asking is not easy, especially in situations where the emotions are very high, but in those times, it is even more critical to enforce this redirection of energy.

Our emotions are breeding grounds for energy, both positive and negative. Emotions are gauged by our ego or personality based on past experience, so if we are not careful to be mindful of where we “send our energetic” commitments, we can unknowingly, be recreating our past and reliving it on into the future.

But, APPRECIATION derails those emotions and activates a cosmic “reset button” that takes the ego out of the driver’s seat and puts it in an observer’s seat, where it can learn and free you up to make more sound decisions, untethered by your past.


I found this out really recently, or maybe, I finally paid attention to the fact, for as the reality set in, it really, really hurt.

So, I wanted to try and establish, at least for me, the difference between a friend and an acquaintance.

For two reasons: so I don’t have to feel so bad and so deeply betrayed ever again, and, probably even more importantly, I don’t place too much responsibility on someone who never wanted it in the first place.

Friend versus acquaintance can be easy to confuse as your relationships develop, but I think a lot of it depends on the environment in which you know them.

For me, friends cross over in to all areas of your life.  Not always physically, but emotionally and spiritually.  Acquaintances are corralled in one area of your life, with an occasional straying to a restaurant or meeting outside, but nothing consistent and those occasions normally happen on the heels of some kind of event which is somehow connected to the original environment you met them in.

Say, for example, you are involved in a sport and you know them through that area of your life.

Acquaintances don’t really know you, they know you as something they identify with, which is determined again by the environment that you met in, but they don’t know you, and they don’t care to.  An acquaintance will resist getting too many details about other areas of your life.  They will absorb enough to be polite and to seem “friendly” but not enough to be tied in too much outside of their already established comfort zones.

Friends on the other hand, are in every part of your life. Maybe, sometimes, too much, but none the less, they are there because they do care about you and they do want to know you in all of areas of their life and want to be involved in all areas of yours.

Friends are people you can see anywhere or any time of day or night, and it is not triggered by a certain environment to make it happen; it seems to happen by itself.

Friends are people who think about you and know your needs enough to where they will let you know if they see something that would benefit you or harm you, and let you know about it.  It stays with them, until they see you again.

Acquaintances, not so much.  And this can be misleading, for while you are in that environment that you know them from, they are very attentive. They “know you” it seems and they really “care about you.”  They remember to ask you things or bring you things:  it creates a real sense that they have your back, but if you take them out in to the real world, or your complete life, they can’t come through for you because, they don’t really know “you”.

And it is not their fault: they are an acquaintance, not a friend.  Acquaintances cannot be held to the same expectations that friends are.  They have no emotional responsibility to you.

As an acquaintance, they know you are part of a scenario in their life, and within that you have meaning, especially if your presence there, benefits their presence there, but you as an individual really don’t offer them anything outside of that scenario.

Have you noticed people who you meet in an environment, if you offer to go get something with them, or invite them to something you think they might like to do, that have nothing to do with that environment, will often refuse and not have time?

One of your first signs that “this is not a friend, they are an acquaintance,” and that is great.  Acquaintances make great pseudo friends, in the right element. Just don’t do like me and expect them to have your back, or remember you in any other situation except ones that benefit them. And of course, if you drift from that environment, or if they drift, don’t expect to continue having a relationship with them outside of a polite, “hi how are you,” from time to time.

And of course, there are friends that aren’t worth “spit” when it comes to holding up their side of the friendship.  You are always the one calling, or driving them around.

I think in those cases, they need to get moved to the “acquaintance” list, and not prioritize them in your life.  Because if you don’t, you will expect too much of them, be disappointed when they don’t come through, and then perhaps have a tiff and lose them as both an acquaintance and a friend.

And most times, with people, you have to take them at their best when they can give it to you, recognize when you are being “shined on,” and be okay with both.



This blog is a direct copy from my book  ” YOU ARE WISER THAN YOU THINK”.    This information will set the stage for becoming more informed on how to integrate your three selves successfully and easily in the following blogs.

For easy translation:  Spirit is also called the Higher Self,  Emotions are also known as the Smaller self and Intellect is also known as the Middle Self.

Higher Self or Spirit

The higher self is not motivated by our needs but by what is good for us as a whole being. The higher self knows the direction our life needs to take in order for us to accomplish what it is we came here to do.  The higher self is not clouded by emotions, and therefore, not mislead by the illusions that can confuse us and take us off our path. It is a powerful teacher and the most direct way to deliver information that will truly make guidance effective.

It can take information and gradually release it into the person’s awareness until they can understand it.

Higher selves will work together as a team. This means if you consciously work from your higher self then your higher self will, in turn, work in harmony with the higher self of others thus achieving the best result for all concerned.

The Higher self often doesn’t relate to the material world, and though the ‘let go and let God’ is a wonderful process, it is necessary to have a balance of the three selves to live within that belief.

Middle Self  or Intellect

The middle self is the bridge between the higher self and the smaller self or emotional self. It is our voice of reason. The middle self gets more involved in the processing of information and helps to keep us centered so we are able to reason.

The middle self is great for appealing to when you want to move someone out of emotion and into reason.

If you are too much in your middle self, you will find that you may lack imagination, flexibility and spontaneity. You will also be over critical of yourself and others. The middle self needs the influence of the higher and the smaller self in order to keep itself balanced.

Smaller Self or Emotional Self

This is a wonderful part of our make up and can be our strongest ally, worst enemy or most damaged and frightened child. Our emotions are extremely powerful when it comes to the way in which we communicate.

The smaller self is a great team player once it trusts you.  If you can get someone (this includes yourself) emotionally involved in something you have a great start on the situation. Once you win the smaller self’s trust and willingness to co-operate, you are then ready to move forward to gaining the trust and co-operation of the middle and higher selves.

If your smaller self is running your life, you will be on an emotional roller coaster and constantly dealing with drama.  The smaller self needs the wisdom of intellect and protection of spirit to be able to make sound decisions that can be put into action in your life.

Who is running your life?

Do you have trouble being around people who are different from you?  If you are low key, do high-energy people wear you out?  Do you find that you do the same thing and go the same places because it’s easier? Do you have the same excuses for everything; cost too much, takes too much time, I’ll do it later when I have such and such in place.  This is how our life looks when we have allowed one of our selves to dominate our choices instead of all three of your selves influencing your decisions.

See if this seems familiar:

Your middle self is running the show if you spend much of your time trying to stay realistic in dealing with life. Paying those bills, being very responsible and having no time for fun until that is taken care of.  And then when that is taken care of, there will be something else that has to be done first.  Play never happens.

If your smaller self is in control you may forget to pay the bills because you have been out shopping. Or, you may find yourself so caught up in the drama of life that you are too emotionally stimulated that you can’t seem to come up with a plan to solve the problem. You find yourself spinning your wheels or on an emotional roller coaster.

Or last but not least, your higher self.   Not being grounded: as in; what bills, oh, I need to pay those?

You will find your life will become a lot more fun and productive once you start to work with each aspect of your self. There will be times when it will benefit you to let one self be more dominant, but the important thing is that it is a conscious choice.

Here are some situations which all of us have been in where we allow one self to “run the show” to get the job done. Even though the other selves are still present, we consciously let one self dominate.

 1        It’s time to do your taxes so you consciously move into your middle self, the intellect, and get it done.

2        It’s time to play with your kids, so you allow yourself to lighten up and go out and play.

3        You need to “be big” about something and let someone have their way even though you might not agree. You know they need to win this time so you put your ego on hold and step into your higher self and allow.

Being able to let one self “lead” is a good sign that your three selves are clear on what their task is and as a result, you are able to focus and get the job done effectively and easily with your three selves working as a team.

When each of the selves wants to be in charge at the same time there arises an internal struggle. In this situation our life can become a casualty of the struggle and we lose control over the out come of the situation.

Some scenarios could be:

Small self in charge –

You sit down to do your taxes but have to have the television on knowing full well that you are setting yourself up to get distracted so a one hour job, takes three.  And the real kicker is you know that is what will happen and do it anyway.

 Middle self in charge –

Perhaps, with good intent, when you play with your children you have an overwhelming desire to point out faults instead of letting it go and enjoy the playtime.

 When the spiritual self is not present –

Or, no matter how much you would like to let that person have his/her way you just have to have the last word as they walk out the door even though you know, doing so, will gain nothing positive.

So, what’s going on?  Basically, your three selves are all fighting to run the show and there is no communication between the selves or with your conscious mind so there is no exchange of information occurring. Everyone is fighting over the same bone, and all are only coming away with a piece. As a result, you are having a constant struggle to get anything completed.

 Your middle self doesn’t trust your child to have fun because your child is not responsible.

Your child doesn’t like your middle self because it doesn’t know how to lighten up and keeps messing things up by trying to force everything.

Your higher self isn’t heard by either of the others because they are always fighting over who is right, and therefore your spiritual life is getting almost no attention and you feel like you have no purpose.

And you wonder why you can’t make a decision about what you want to do in your life!

In the next couple of blogs we are going to put some of this into action,  get all of the aspects talking and bring about internal peace and external success in your life.


One of the techniques I teach every day to help people become more effective in their lives is the integrating of the three selves.   These “selves” are; emotions, intellect and spirit.  For something to be effective in our lives and for us to grown and flourish from it each of these aspects must have a piece in it.   Our intellect tries to protect us by ruling the material world and tries to create stability as far as finances, shelter, food and security.  The emotional self only values things if they are fun.  In order to feel safe the emotional self needs to feel it can identify with something; that they are understood or accepted by others  and hence not feel alone and the spiritual aspect is driven by us always trying to become more and seek out that makes up truly happy without it being completely defined by our intellect or our emotions.

Often when we go and hear someone speak and they get us gunned up and we come out feeling like we can change the world for the next couple of days, and then suddenly reality sets in and it falls away and seems like it almost never happened,  is a perfect example when each of the selves is not equally involved in a decision in our lives.  The speaker appealed primarily to your emotional self.  Their objective normally is to get us so inspired that we over ride the reasoning that the intellect might be wanting to throw at us: the voice of reason,   then you leave go back to your life and then the intellect will start to “shoot down” all the dreams by making it clear that this won’t work because it doesn’t make “cents.”  It is impractical.  It is not safe.

This happens all the time with all of us.  The outfit we had to have that we never wear or returned.  The job we hate but we stay in because  it pays the bills.  The person we love but can’t stand any more.

All of these types of situations and telling you that you are missing one of these essential pieces.

It is either: no fun; not secure, financially or it doesn’t move you towards being happy and a higher purpose.

My next couple of blogs are going to look at each of these selves and further break down their role in our lives.  You will be amazed at how quickly things can turn around once you use this technique in every decision you make.  Once you get your  head around it,  it will be fun and easy to do and their is no limits to what you can accomplish.